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Hilltop Ministries is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization that started in Allghany County, Virginia in 2002 and then in Esteli, Nicaragua in January  2011. The ministry was formed and organized to assist young people in their everyday life, by showing them the power of God and the benefits of Godly living through frequent youth meetings, training, and one-on-one interaction. Hilltop Ministries seeks to have a positive impact in the lives of young people and the community.

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While we believe that religious denominations have a place, Hilltop Ministries is a non-denominational organization that is recognized by the United States IRS as a non-profit 501 (C) 3 entity.


While non-denominational, Hilltop Ministries is seeking to carry out both the Great Commision as well as the Great Commandment from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We believe in the Holy Bible and that Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and three days later rose again and that Jesus Christ is alive.


Our mission statement is based off of Matthew 28:19-20, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."



We started in 2002 in Alleghany County, Virginia. We realized before 2002 that many kids and youth in the community were physically and spiritually hungry. If the youth did go to church many were told not to come back, because the church people did not want their kids to be near them. The family that created the ministry felt that even though the kids in the area had a harder life than others that should not mean they could not come to Sunday school or church. If they wanted to learn more about God and what the Bible says then they should have a safe place to do that. With that in mind the ministry was created. The ministry was able to purchase a few buses to pick up and drop the youth when they had meeting on Mondays and Wednesday. The people that attended the meetings were able to have some free time to relax and play with their friends before the Bible lesson started. The leaders of the ministry realized that many of the youth were coming to the meetings hungry. With the help of a few volunteers in the area we had cooks that help prepare a hot cooked dinner for all who attended our meetings for free. During the meeting the youth enjoyed a time of praise and worship, games, and a Bible lesson that was broken down for them to understand better. The youth were encouraged to ask questions as we feel that teaching with interaction was the best way for them to learn more about God and the Holy Bible. After the lesson the youth where taken back home, and with the help of a Food Bank grant we were able to give a bag of food to each person as they got off the bus after each meeting.

Unfortunately, over the last few years the ministry in Virginia, due to health issues or people moving away, has come to a stop. Our goal is to one day be able to restart our Vrigninia ministry as we know that it helped many in the area.


We started our ministry in Esteli, Nicaragua in January of 2011 which is currently being runned by our missionary. Our missionary moved to Esteli in mid-January 2011 officially working full time along side a local church in Esteli. On February 13, 2011 we started our kids feeding program for the children in the community. By 2015 our ministry moved to a neighborhood called the Joya in Esteli, Nicaragua. There we were able to have our Bibles classes and our kids feeding program. Since 2015 we have been able to start many other programs. We now have Bible classes, kids feeding program, youth group, women's craft class, and our community outreach program. In 2017 we started visiting the local maternity house in Esteli to have Bible study with the women that were living there each week. Due to Covid we have stopped visiting the maternity house, because the maternity house has stopped non family visitors as they are doing their best to keep the women there healthy and safe during their pregnancies. Our goal that in the future we would be able to restart this program as it benefited many.

We have a small piece of land  that is a half a block away from where we have our kids feeding program. We are waiting for funds to bulid a small feeding center/church there as we are currently using a familie's patio for our meetings.

We are able to serve in Nicaragua through the giving of our monthy supporters. Due to economic problems some of our monthly supporters have had to stop giving to us, and we understand completely. That just means we need to find new people, families, churches, ministry, organizations, small group, or businesses what would be willing to give to us monthly to cover the difference. As of 2021 we currently need $600 in new monthly supporters to be completely covered each month. We know that is a lot, but we also know that when multiple people give a little each month that adds up. Please pray about becoming part taking a step of faith and make a donation so that the people in Nicaragua, our ministry, and our missionary do not have to go without.

Since coming to Nicaragua in January 2011 Hilltop Ministries has fed over 13,000 people, given away hundreds of Bibles, given away hundreds of pairs of shoes and school supplies, and given away hundreds of sacks of food to families in need. We have helped many get medicine, and we helped three people receive major surgery. One lady needed an operation to clean and close a wound on her leg that was infected. Another lady was in need of dental surgery for constant mouth/jaw pain that was affecting her day to day life. The third was a girl from our Bible class who needed open heart surgery. A ministry in Leon did the surgery, and our ministry helped the family with transportation, food, and post surgery cost. We have helped two attend a local university in Esteli. One graduate with a degree in English and the other with a degree in Economics.  We have hosted mission groups, lead sport ministry, and lead dental/medical ministry. We have seen many accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and later baptized. We have seen addictions overcome, the chains of sin broken, families come together, the impossible become a reality, and an atomsphere changed for Christ.


Please note that as stated above we are a 501(C) non-profit organization which means all donations to us are tax deductible. Also, please note that 100% of all donations made to us go towards running our ministry in Nicaragua. Thank you in advance for your support and prayers. God bless!


The future goal for Hilltop Ministries in Esteli, Nicaragua is to buy more land in Esteli so that we can build a Christian community center and campus. On the property,  would reside the Hilltop Ministries housing and office building. The ministry would like to build a inside and outside sanctuary with three classrooms inside the inner sanctuary. The sanctuary is for the community to have church, hold concerts, conferences, and revivals. A feeding center that seat up to 200 people at one time is also needed.  It would require a kitchen to cook the fresh meals and an area for storage.The ministry would like to host mission teams and have a campus on the property, so we would like to build dorm rooms that would sleep 200 people on the property at one time. Sports are a great way to spread the word of the Lord, so the ministry would like to have a soccer field, baseball field, and a basketball court on the property.

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